Meet Patti

In our down time, we enjoy archery. This collage is me and my hubby, doing life on the range and stuff. See, real people, doing things they love. Maybe we already live the dream life? Well, at least partially. There’s more to my dream life that I’m working on—having a farm and animals, etc.

*Clicking the images will open them in a lightbox so they are larger and easier to see.


My backstory:

I’m not real sure how long I’ve been online and earning some money with my writing. Prior to 2008, my friend and I discovered content mills. You sign up, pick topics, write short articles and they’d pay you for it. We were good at it. We churned some writing out. At the time it was for extra spending cash, so $20 here and there a couple times a week was GREAT!

By 2008, I was a bit burned out on having to do that much writing. So, I upped my fees and landed a couple of freelance jobs writing for websites. Much better money and less time actually working.

And then I got more into PLR. I’d heard about it before, but wasn’t sure of all the details. I ran across some people that were teaching how to build a business writing PLR and building a store. I did that for a few years. I was also a VA for other PLR sellers and handled customer service and all the back-end tasks that go into running a website and a store front.

In 2016, things were okay, but then that bucket list syndrome hit and I saw that people were starting to make good money with self publishing fiction on Kindle. I had wanted to be a fiction writer since I was a teenager. So, I dropped all the PLR and IM work and dove head first into finally being a fiction author.

I gave 8 years of my life to that and published 13 books. Some months the money was okay and others—I was mostly writing for free. I did everything the successful writers said they were doing. I beat that dead horse for years and it just didn’t happen for me. It was a bit devastating. I saw these people who had had regular careers take up fiction and make a success of it. Me, the one who had been writing fiction on and off since high school….Well, I just couldn’t get any traction. But hey, I did something most people only dream about doing (writing a book) and I did it 13 times.

Going Forward!

This year (2024) I’ve been contemplating what to do next. After much thought I decided to just go back to some skill-set stuff I’d learned years ago and get back into IM and PLR.

So, I’m not an expert or a guru. I’m just a gal with a big ass dream. I still believe I can create the life of MY dreams. And I believe others can, too. In a small way, I am already living a part of my dream life—be my own boss, make money from a home office, and have time freedom. The next phase is being able to do all of that on a farm with some horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens and cats…..and have my grand babies close by being raised with farm animals.

Two things that I know are hugely important is email marketing and affiliate marketing. An affiliate marketer doesn’t have to spend all of their work time creating products, they just promote other people’s stuff and get paid for it. I love that! So, this blog will focus on using your blog as a business hub, list building, email marketing and affiliate marketing.

I’m also ALL about women building a hugely successful and profitable empire of their own. This is not just a man’s world and while I am no feminist, I do believe in
the power of strong women.
So, let’s do it and it starts in the business world with us building empires…not just businesses!

I will also create PLR packs from time to time, too, but it will not be the main focus of this site. I’m currently working on an ecourse for list building. Be sure to sign up to my list so you’ll be ready when it’s released.

All the best,